> 文章列表 > 春节放烟花的简单介绍英文







The Chinese Spring Festival, also known as Chinese New Year, is the most important traditional festival in China. It is based on the lunar calendar and usually falls between late January and mid-February. The festival lasts for 15 days, starting from the first day of the lunar calendar. During this time, people all over China celebrate with various customs and traditions.

One of the most iconic traditions of the Chinese New Year is the reunion dinner, where families gather together on the eve of the festival to enjoy a sumptuous feast. This dinner symbolizes unity and the importance of being together as a family.

Another popular custom is the giving and receiving of red envelopes. These red envelopes, known as \"hongbao,\" contain money and are given to children and unmarried adults as a symbol of good luck and blessings for the new year.

Fireworks and firecrackers are also an integral part of the Chinese New Year celebration. The loud noises and bright lights are believed to scare away evil spirits and bring good fortune for the upcoming year.

Throughout the festival, people decorate their homes with red lanterns, couplets, and paper cutouts. Red is considered a lucky color in Chinese culture and is believed to bring happiness and prosperity.

The Chinese Spring Festival is not only celebrated in China but also in many other countries with a significant Chinese population. It is a time for family reunions, feasting, and celebrating new beginnings.


Firecrackers and couplets are essential elements of the Chinese New Year celebration. Firecrackers, also known as \"bianpao\" in Chinese, have a long history and are believed to bring good luck and drive away evil spirits. The loud noises created by firecrackers are thought to scare away any malevolent forces lurking around.

On the days leading up to the festival, households across China can be seen busy hanging up couplets on their door frames. Couplets, or \"chunlian\" in Chinese, are poetic phrases or expressions written in calligraphy. They are believed to bring good fortune, happiness, and protection to the household.

During the Chinese New Year celebration, streets and neighborhoods are filled with the sounds of firecrackers popping and the sight of vibrant red couplets adorning doors. These traditions create an atmosphere of joy, excitement, and auspiciousness.


The origin of the Chinese Spring Festival can be traced back thousands of years. Legend has it that in ancient times, there was a mythical beast called \"Nian\" that would come out on the first day of the new year to attack villages and devour livestock and crops. To protect themselves, people started to put up red decorations, light firecrackers, and make loud noises, as Nian was believed to be afraid of these things.

As time passed, these customs evolved into the Chinese New Year celebration we know today. The festival is a time for families to come together, pay respects to their ancestors, and welcome the new year with joy and optimism.

Nowadays, the Chinese Spring Festival is not only a time for traditional rituals and customs but also a time for cultural activities, delicious food, and exciting performances. It is a celebration that showcases the rich heritage and vibrant spirit of the Chinese people.


Chinese customs and traditions are diverse and fascinating. They reflect the long history and cultural heritage of China. One important tradition that every Chinese person is familiar with is the custom of preparing for the Chinese New Year.

Prior to the festival, families all over China go on a shopping spree, stocking up on essential goods and gifts. The markets and stores are filled with people buying \"nianhuo\" (年货), which refers to all the items needed for the holiday season. This includes traditional decorations like red lanterns, couplets, new clothes, and a variety of food for the festivities.

Another customary practice is the giving and receiving of \"hongbao\" (红包), which are red envelopes containing money. It is customary for married couples and older family members to give hongbao to children and unmarried adults as a symbol of good luck and blessings for the new year.

During the Chinese New Year celebration, it is common to hear people greeting each other with phrases like \"Xin Nian Kuai Le\" (新年快乐), which means \"Happy New Year,\" and \"Gong Xi Fa Cai\" (恭喜发财), which means \"Wishing you prosperity.\" These greetings are a way to convey blessings and well-wishes for the upcoming year.

Chinese customs and traditions make the Chinese New Year a truly festive and vibrant occasion. It is a time for family reunions, feasting, and celebrating the arrival of a new year full of opportunities.

春节的由来简介(英语) - 大宝Candy 的回答 - 懂得

The Chinese New Year, also known as the Spring Festival, has a rich and fascinating origin. It is believed that the festival originated from ancient agricultural rituals and was influenced by various legends and mythologies.

One popular legend is the story of Nian, a mythical beast that would come out on the first day of the new year to terrorize villages. To ward off Nian, people would decorate their homes with red and loud noises to scare it away. Firecrackers, lanterns, and red couplets became an integral part of the celebrations.

Another legend tells the story of a monster named \"Year.\" People believed that Year would sneak into their homes at midnight on New Year\'s Eve, so they would stay up late, light firecrackers, and make noise to keep Year at bay. This tradition gradually evolved into the practice of staying up late on New Year\'s Eve and celebrating with fireworks and festivities.

Over time, the Chinese New Year became a time for reconnecting with family, honoring ancestors, and ushering in good luck for the upcoming year. It is a joyous occasion filled with traditional customs, delicious food, and cultural performances.


The Chinese New Year\'s Eve dinner, also known as the reunion dinner, is a special meal shared by family members on the last evening of the lunar year. It is a time for family unity and blessings for the coming year. The dinner traditionally includes various dishes symbolizing prosperity, happiness, and good luck. Dishes like fish, dumplings, and glutinous rice cake are often served. The New Year\'s Eve dinner is a joyful and auspicious event, bringing family members together in celebration.


If you\'re looking for English music that goes well with fireworks, here are a few recommendations:

1. \"Firework\" by Katy Perry: This upbeat and energetic song is an anthem of empowerment and celebration. It perfectly captures the excitement and joy of watching fireworks light up the sky.

2. \"Celebration\" by Kool & The Gang: This classic disco hit is all about celebrating good times. Its catchy rhythm and positive lyrics make it a great choice to accompany a fireworks display.

3. \"Party in the USA\" by Miley Cyrus: This fun and catchy pop song is about having a good time and feeling free. It\'s a lively tune that can bring a festive and upbeat atmosphere to a fireworks show.

Remember to always choose music that suits your taste and the atmosphere you want to create. Enjoy the fireworks and let the music enhance the experience!

“放鞭炮”英文怎么说? - 懵小喵_yu? 的回答 - 懂得

The English translation for \"放鞭炮\" can be \"light firecrackers\" or \"set off firecrackers.\" The act of igniting and enjoying the loud and colorful firecrackers is a cherished tradition during the Chinese New Year festivities. It adds excitement and a festive atmosphere to the celebrations.


As the sky darkens and anticipation fills the air, colorful sparks soar high into the night sky. With a resounding boom, fireworks explode in a brilliant display of light and sound. People\'s faces light up with awe and wonder as they witness the magic of a fireworks show.

Setting off fireworks is a beloved tradition during celebrations around the world. It is a spectacle that brings people together, transcending language and cultural barriers.

The mesmerizing patterns and breathtaking explosions of fireworks create a sensory experience like no other. The bright lights illuminate the darkness, painting the sky with vibrant colors. The crackling sounds echo through the air, adding an extra layer of excitement.

Fireworks are a symbol of joy, celebration, and new beginnings. They mark special occasions with a sense of wonder and delight. Whether it\'s the dazzling displays during New Year\'s celebrations or the grand finales of music festivals, fireworks leave a lasting impression on all who witness them.

So next time you find yourself gazing at a sky ablaze with fireworks, take a moment to appreciate the beauty and magic of this ancient tradition. It is a shared experience that brings people together in awe and reminds us of the joy and wonderment that life has to offer.